Friday, June 3, 2011

Vote YES on June 6th

Guest post by Cheryl Dowdell

When our family moved to Charlestown, our oldest was then 3 years old.  That first summer, we drove the 3 miles across the highway, to what was then our only town ocean beach.  It was small and became crowded, especially on sunny weekend days.
When nature called, we’d walk over a third of a mile, round trip, with the little one, each time we needed to use the old and dilapidated toilet facility on the far edge of the parking lot across the street from the beach.  I remember thinking that this surely would be improved upon, hopefully in 4 or 5 years.

Well, three children more and our first born now being 29, it is incredible to think that 26 years later, we still dealing with deplorable and undignified restroom facilities for us full time residents and taxpayers at Charlestown Town Beach.  Blue Shutters Beach, acquired several years ago, is also in the same critical need of updated and respectful restroom facilities for us to use. 

We are the only town in South County without permanent restroom facilities at town beaches.  The 11 year old portables we have at both beaches are, quite frankly, disgusting. They are not designed for the harsh environment and ocean front overuse that they are subjected to, even with the diligent cleaning that the Parks and Recreation Department attempts over the course of the summer.

This past January, the Town Council appointed an Ad Hoc Beach Committee with members from all pertinent Charlestown Commissions and two citizens at large.

I volunteered to work on it (at least hoping to someday bring grandchildren to basic, safe and clean restrooms).  We were charged to research the costs of a permanent facility and portables at each beach and the Budget Commission was charged to review the report and add in all contingencies. 

After the reports were presented at the April 11th meeting, the Town Council voted to put the permanent facility on the ballot as a warrant item for the budget vote on June 6th because that choice was the most cost effective over 50 years.  (Approximately $15/year over 20 years for a $500,000 home)  Two informational forums have been held and all the information is available on the town’s website.  I encourage voters to approve this warrant item.

Some things will stay the same, regardless of the outcome of the vote on June 6th.  The beaches will still be very crowded on great beach days, people will continue to bike ride, get dropped off, and walk through the two State of Rhode Island deeded “Rights of Way” paths through the parking lots of our town beaches.  There will still be traffic and there will still be vacationers with cottage passes and “out of state day trippers” who will visit Charlestown’s public beaches. 

And, by the way, those humans will still be needing a bathroom!  If the restrooms are the ones we have now, I wonder how many will continue making other “arrangements” in the water and in the ponds….just as has been done over the years by those hundreds who visit on a daily basis and are “put off” by the sights and smells of what we have now.

One thing can be different if we approve building permanent restrooms at both beaches. We who live here, pay taxes here, and use the beaches will have something that will enhance our summertime experience, will bring pride to the community by having structures that will not be an eyesore and will have attractive, easy to maintain  buildings that mirror the lovely permanent homes that are in close proximity to them.