Wednesday, July 20, 2011

News Bulletin from the Associated Press

"FBI Arrests Fourteen Anonymous Members"

No word yet on whether any of them were from Charlestown.

Anonymous is the name taken by a shadowy group of computer hackers who have mounted a series of cyberattacks on various websites around the world.

Some of their targets have included the infamous Westboro Baptist Church, Fox News, plus many major corporations and government agencies.

Often, their hacks have been playful and funny, but often, not so much, such as places a news bulletin on a Fox News blog that President Obama had died.

The local chapter of Anonymous has targeted Progressive Charlestown, posting frequent false and misleading comments that distract from the serious issue this blog covers.

Charlestown's Anonymous may be a fringe cell of the worldwide Anonymous, given that their cyber-bleats against Progressive Charlestown have totally lacked the humor and originality of the larger group.

After repeated warnings to Anonymous to stop posting boring and untrue comments, Progressive Charlestown has taken protective measures to keep them from distracting readers from the real issues.