Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Driving Is Tough

Driving is an adventure in North Kingstown.
From one police log covering just three days… A Coventry driver was charged with drunken driving after sideswiping a car, although he told police he hadn’t had a drink in 14 years. A pair of North Kingstown men tried to steal car parts from an auto salvage yard. After a traffic stop and a pat-down, a passenger told police he “forgot” he had a baggie of marijuana on him. A bunch of other cars have been broken into, and finally, a South Kingstown woman was arrested for reckless driving – with her daughter in the car – when police clocked her at 68 miles per hour in a 25 mile per hour zone. DCYF was notified.

Well, you’re not running for re-election anyway…
According to East Greenwich police reports, an East Greenwich School Committee member tried the Hollywood way of getting out of a ticket. When he was cited for driving with a suspended license, he allegedly told officers, “I’m going to call your chief!” This did not work any better than it does on television shows and movies.

Like a cat on a hot tin roof!
A Peacedale man was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct. His alleged crime? Well, hanging out on the roof of South Kingstown Town Hall. He was allegedly drunk, and a blew a .199 on a breath test. It was at 4:32 p.m., so employees at town hall were the ones who called police.

Speaking of cats…
Watch out for cats going rogue near the Arlington School in Cranston. While walking her dog, a woman told police she was bit by a cat. The cat was described as short-haired, with a golden color to it, with white markings. (Also in that police log: Trees falling on wires and cars, thanks to storms, and a case of false identity.)

And Spicoli wasn’t even involved!

Barrington police arrested six juveniles and an 18-year-old, all for pot, in three separate incidents in four days. (Also going down in Barrington? Thefts from cars.)

What’s goin’ on in Johnston?
Oh, you know, the usual. Three more arrested after a samurai sword attack. No big deal. Probably just settling a duel, or the aftermath of a bloody quest of revenge following a wedding day attack.

The dirty dozen (of calls about lightning).
According to Middletown police, they had a dozen calls related to a lightning storm the morning of Aug. 15. One involved a man being struck by lightning, but luckily, police don’t believe it was a direct hit, and he didn’t suffer life-threatening injuries.

No lawnmower, but no license either.
Bristol police received a report of a stolen lawnmower, taken (allegedly) by a white man in a dark shirt in a blue truck. Police pulled over a man matching the description, but he didn’t have the mower, or a driver’s license, either. He was arrested as a result. The mower turned up later, safe and sound – a neighbor had borrowed it from the initial caller.