Friday, September 27, 2013

Charlestown Dems begin vetting candidates

Ed Pacheco, candidate for Secretary of State, courts Charlestown Democrats
CDTC news release

(Charlestown) The Charlestown Democratic Town Committee launched its series of meetings with candidates seeking the Democratic nomination for state and federal offices. 

Over the next several months, the CDTC plans to meet with each declared Democratic candidate for Governor, Lieutenant Government, Attorney General, General Treasurer, Secretary of State, Rhode Island House and Senate, US Senator and House of Representatives (District 2).

On Monday night, the committee met with Edwin Pacheco who is competing with Guillaume DeRamel and Nellie Gorbea for the Democratic nomination for Secretary of State. Ed is a former State Representative and has served as State Chair of the Rhode Island Democratic Party for the past four years, as well as Executive Director of the non-profit advocacy group, Education in Action.

While State Party Chair, Ed visited Charlestown often, but this was his first time as a declared candidate seeking the town committee’s endorsement. He fielded questions on voter ID, which he opposes, elimination of the “master lever,” which he supports, streamlining business regulation which he has plans to do and corporate crime where he would coordinate with other state agencies, such as the Attorney General’s Office.

He spoke passionately about the importance of the Secretary of State’s office in ensuring that every citizen can cast their ballot. He pledged to take every action needed to make voting easier and to eliminate barriers to people’s right to vote.

“Democrats are fortunate to be facing some hard choices in the upcoming election,” said CDTC chair Catherine O’Reilly Collette. “We have a number of excellent, qualified candidates who have already declared, plus others waiting in the wings.”

Collette added that there are now three declared candidates just for the Secretary of State’s position, and each one has attractive qualities. “We want to meet with each of them, ask them the hard questions and then make an informed decision on who will receive our town committee’s endorsement.

The Charlestown Democrats meet every third Monday at 6 PM in the community room of the Charlestown Police Department. Charlestown registered Democrats are welcome to attend. For more information, visit the CDTC website at