Friday, November 22, 2013


Twerk What Your Mama Gave You
Posted by Samantha Turner (Editor)

One East Providence police officer may be a wee bit mentally scarred after a rather interesting encounter with a belligerent bar patron last week.

While officers helped staff at East Bay Tavern clear out the remaining customers, an officer noticed one man attempting to leave the establishment with his beer. When the officer told him he couldn’t take the drink with him, the 22-year-old man allegedly threw the cup on the ground, spilling it.

Just to be sure the officer knew he wasn’t happy about this predicament, the man allegedly began to twerk (i.e. bend over and rub his rear-end against the officer’s crotch) on the officer while saying, “Oh yeah, baby, that’s what I’m trying to do.”

In case you were wondering, twerking on an officer is allegedly assault, prompting the officer to try to arrest the man. The twerker then took off and fled from police before another officer caught him. He was charged with disorderly conduct resisting arrest and assault.

 Do Not Pass Go
If you’re going to try to run from the police (which we do NOT advise), it’s probably best to at least have a nominal understanding of your surroundings and where you can seek sanctuary.

A Woonsocket man attempting to evade officers apparently wasn’t aware that he was running straight toward the police station. (Or maybe he did and was attempting to employ some reverse psychology? “They’ll never think to look for me here!”)

He was charged with two counts of assault and resisting arrest.