Monday, February 17, 2014

Disappointed right-wing critics

Obamacare is working in RI, says state stats and Senator Whitehouse

HSRI-changes-ad-v6If you’re wondering why you are no longer hearing that dull roar from conservatives about the failed state of American health care, it’s probably because Obamacare is working.

That’s what the latest statistics from HealthSourceRI indicate.

Medicaid enrollments in Rhode Island are soaring, with 35,821 people newly signed up as of Feb. 8 — way ahead of projections.

Additionally, enrollment in private insurance through HealthSource RI continues to accelerate; 16,512 signed up as of Feb. 8, up from the previous month’s cumulative total of 11,770. Rhode Island has already exceeded the Obama administration’s target of 12,000 by March 31.

EDITOR'S NOTE: Bob is only partially correct about the silence of right-wing critics. Our loudest local Tea Party voice, former Republican candidate for state representative Phil Gingerella, in a Westerly Sun letter to the editor, tried to keep right-wing hopes alive that Obamacare will fail. Too bad, Phil.

Nationwide, more than 3 million Americans have enrolled in health care exchanges across the country, according to a press release from Senator Sheldon Whitehouse.

“The numbers in Rhode Island and across the country send a clear message: Obamacare is working,” he said yesterday in a prepared statement. “I hope Republicans will look at these numbers and realize that the health care law is making a difference for millions of Americans, and that it’s time to stop re-hashing old arguments over a law that is now settled.”

Bob Plain is the editor/publisher of Rhode Island's Future. Previously, he's worked as a reporter for several different news organizations both in Rhode Island and across the country.