Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The Red Light Cameras are NOT operating….yet

Glitches stall launch
The cameras may be high-tech, but they can't see through trees
I took the photo over a month ago.
By Will Collette

Despite the best of plans by the Charlestown Police Department – and the premature and totally false report from the ever-accurate Charlestown Citizens Alliance (CCA Party) website - Charlestown’s long-anticipated red-light cameras are not operating.

Charlestown's official website is also running the wrong information. 

The camera units, covering Route One north and south at the intersections of East Beach and West Beach Roads, were supposed to go on line on October 24, with warning notices sent to violations. The system was supposed to go fully operational – with $85 tickets issued to violators – on November 9.

I noticed that there were two problems with the system – one was tree branches blocking the view of at least one unit and the other was the lack of permanent warning signs at the approach to each of the covered intersections. So I asked CPD Chief Jeff Allen if indeed the system had gone live and, if so, what the preliminary results are.

Here’s his response:
“Will,The cameras are not up and running yet.  You are correct no signs and pruning needed. “
For details on how the system will work, including projections on the number of motorists who may be on the receiving end of those $85 tickets, click here.

When the tickets start getting issued, I expect some minor uproar. Personally, I think the cameras are a great idea, but the CCA Party published a flood of negative (including some pretty wacky) comments on their official website when then CPD Chief Jack Shippee first floated the idea.

If you think these red light cameras are a bad idea, Charlestown elected just the right guy for you as its new state Representative. 

I’m talking about Flake Bilippi who advertises himself as a Constitutional lawyer. He seems to like to represent people who think they have the right to do reckless and dangerous things such as brandish firearms in public or advocate rebellion by military personnel and police. I’m not making this up.

Since he doesn’t have a State House contact point yet, you can contact him at his home could be in Providence, Lincoln or  Block Island, depending on which official document you find. Only one of those muncipalities is actually in the 36th House District, by the way.

Here's his address and phone number from his Massachusetts bar license: