Wednesday, April 29, 2015

13 Ways Republicans Have Declared War On Average Americans

So Why Do People Vote For Them?
If nine and out ten polls keep telling Congressional Republicans what their constituents want regarding the economy, it’s amazing that they not only do the complete opposite, but continue getting reelected.

One day someone is going to have to explain to me why certain people continue to vote the party line while the Republicans continue to raises taxes on already struggling lower wage earners, while they also propose in their nonsensical ridiculous budget, that is doomed to fail should it ever get passed, one that cuts taxes for the top 1.5 percent.

If gutting taxes for the super wealthy, screwing around with entitlement programs, forgetting about our ailing infrastructure, all but demanding a war, while doing nothing to help our economy is the aim of Republicans – then congratulations. The Republican proposed budget does all that and much more, all damaging to 99 percent of American Citizens.

Obama has cut our annual deficits by more than 50 percent since he took office, fact checkers have found. Obama’s 2016 budget would continue this, cutting about half a trillion next year, and $1.8 trillion over the next decade.
Paul Krugman, a columnist with The New York Times and a Nobel Prize Winning economist said:
The simplest way to understand these budgets is surely to suppose that they are intended to do what they would, in fact, actually do: make the rich richer and ordinary families poorer. We’re looking at an enormous, destructive con job, and you should be very, very angry.

Here are the lucky unlucky thirteen reasons why Republican members of both houses of congress have declared a war on the middle class and the have-nots while the average Americans’ living standards slip further down the ladder rungs.
  1. Bleed domestic programs to death.
  2. Who needs new or better jobs?
  3. Who needs a good education?
  4. Who needs health care anyway?
  5. Next on the chopping block: Social Security.
  6. Privatize Medicare, health care for seniors.
  7. Kick 7 Million Poor People Off Medicaid.
  8. Our century’s version of “Let Them Eat Cake.”
  9. But give the Pentagon more blank checks.
  10. And use the excuse of endless war to do it.
  11. Corporate taxes are still too high, right?
  12. And the rich can’t afford to pay, either.
  13. But working class and poor must pay more.

The Republican’s budget proposals would undeniably make life much harder for millions of average Americans. So I’ll ask again; why do people keep voting for them?

Nancy Feldman is a political and news columnist with a background in TV and film production. Follow her on Twitter @nygchicklet