Sunday, December 27, 2015

TOMORROW NIGHT, Cathie Cool Rumsey kicks off campaign to take back Senate seat from Morgan

Hope District 34 returns to its senses
By Will Collette
Catherine Cool Rumsey served her freshman term in the Senate from 2012-2014 with distinction, having one of the most achievement-laden terms of any freshman we can remember. 

We’re talking about Senate District 34, a large district that stretches from Exeter down to the northern end of Charlestown and out to the Connecticut state line including all of Richmond and Hopkinton and part of West Greenwich

Elaine Morgan served her freshman term with not only lackluster results, but promoting a hard-core ultra-right wing agenda that brought national disgrace on her, and by extension onto her district by uttering racist remarks labelling the entire Muslim religion as one of murder, rape and beheading and calling for refugees to be kept in internment camps. Click HERE and HERE and HERE for more details.

To counter the anticipated influx of conservative cash right-wing groups are likely to invest in keeping Tea Partier Morgan in that District 34 Senate seat, Cathie Cool Rumsey is launching her own fund-raising efforts with an event on December 28.

You’re invited and the reservation form appears below. If you can’t make it, you can help out by using the same form to send a check to Cool Rumsey for Senate.