Tuesday, July 25, 2017

“No Confidence” resolution lists 88 reasons why Trump is unfit

David Cicilline is one of the prime co-sponsors

From Rep. Steve Cohen (TN-09), Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice

Since taking office in January, President Trump has exhibited unacceptable and often offensive behavior for a President of the United States.

He has taken the unprecedented action in the modern era of refusing to release his tax returns. 

He has refused to divest from his private business interests, creating conflicts of interest and potential violations of the Constitution’s emoluments clause. 

He fired his F.B.I. Director while the F.B.I. was investigating potential collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. 

He recklessly provided Russian officials with classified information during an oval office meeting. 

He has repeatedly used Twitter to insult and undermine the press, Congress, and the Judiciary. 

His Cabinet has the fewest number of women and minorities since the Reagan Administration. 

The gender pay gap at the Trump White House is more than double the national average. The list goes on and on and on.”

President Trump has been President for six months and his probationary period is long over. 

This resolution sends a clear message to the President that we disapprove of his cumulative actions, that we are simpatico with our constituents and a majority of the America people, and that we have no confidence in his service.

A copy of the resolution can be found here.

Video from the press conference on this resolution can be found here.

Cosponsors of the resolution include Rep. David Cicilline (D-RI).

For an updated list of false statements made by Trump since taking office, click HERE.

For the six-month list of major promises broken by Trump, click HERE.

The Washington Post cites 836 false or misleading statements (an average of 4.9 per day) made by Trump since taking office. CLICK HERE.

Even the Dallas Morning News. They compiled a list of Trump "achievements" for his first six months. CLICK HERE.