Friday, July 28, 2017

The life-or-death fight for women’s health rights is NOW!

Here are some ways that YOU can help.
From Kavelle Christie and Craig O’Connor

Related imageDespite facing the gravest assault on reproductive rights in recent memory, the Democratic leadership of the General Assembly did nothing to protect Rhode Islanders.

And in Washington, Republicans are still attempting to strip health care from tens of millions of Americans with legislation that Cecile Richards has called “the worst bill for women’s health in a generation.”

What this means is that even over the summer, the fight for reproductive freedom continues.

Join Planned Parenthood and our allies as we keep up the pressure and prepare for the 2018 RI General Assembly session and the elections next fall. Over the next few weeks, we will share several ways to stay engaged and build our movement.

Action # 1: Summer of Resistance House Parties

Planned Parenthood is partnering with Rhode Island Working Families, the Sierra Club and Resist Hate RI to host small house parties around the state.

Hosted by community members like you, this is a chance to meet people, share a vision for the future, and have some fun at the same time.

Among the things to talk about is the fact that there was no vote on the Reproductive Health Care Actwhich would protect the right to abortion no matter what happens at the national level. Nor was legislation passed to protect affordable access to contraception, to put into RI law the most popular parts of the Affordable Care Act, guarantee earned sick leave for Rhode Island workers, or to disarm people convicted of domestic violence.

Action # 2: Thank Senator Reed and Senator Whitehouse 

Yesterday, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and his allies voted tried to move forward on efforts to repeal Obamacare and “defund” Planned Parenthood.

Rhode Island’s Senator Jack Reed and Senator Sheldon Whitehouse voted against this terrible bill. While the fight is not over, we won this time!

Let them know you appreciate their opposition to Trumpcare and that you stand with them in this fight.

Upcoming Opportunities

Here are two more ways to stay involved in the movement for social justice. We will let you know more about each of these in future emails, but for now, here’s a sneak peek.

Election Campaign Trainings

Planned Parenthood is working with Rhode Island Working Families to offer a series of short workshops around the state on how to run for office or help someone else win their elections. 

Fall Constituent Meetings

This fall, join other supporters of reproductive rights, including access to safe and legal abortion, at constituent meetings with their State Senators and State Representatives. Our elected officials need to hear directly from the people who vote them into office about why Rhode Island must act now to protect reproductive rights and access to health care.

RSVP by emailing us at