Friday, September 29, 2017

Fishing warning at Richmond’s Carolina Trout Pond

Weed Treatment for Carolina Trout Pond in Richmond This Fall to Control Invasive Species

Image result for water hyacinthThe Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM) is advising the public that Carolina Trout Pond in Richmond is being treated to help control invasive weeds. 

The chemical treatment, which will be applied two times this fall, poses no public health risk nor harm to fish or other aquatic life.

The next treatment will get underway on Monday, October 2 and will target invasive plants such as variable water milfoil and water hyacinth; the first treatment was on Monday, September 18. 

The public should avoid fishing and other recreational activities in the pond on treatment days; signs are posted around the pond with information about temporary water use restrictions.

Weed infestation can affect proper management of freshwater ponds. 

To help control the spread of invasive species, the use of external felt soled or any natural or synthetic porous material capable of absorbing water in any freshwaters in Rhode Island is strictly prohibited. 

This includes any waters shared with adjacent states in which Rhode Island fishing regulations apply. For more information or to purchase a fishing license, visit

Owned by DEM, Carolina Trout Pond is a popular fishing area that's stocked with trout each spring and occasionally in the fall. Fall stocking at this pond will be determined later in the season, depending upon conditions.

For information on DEM programs, visit

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Related links
Rhode Island Freshwater Fishing License