Wednesday, August 26, 2020

The record speaks for itself

Image may contain: text that says 'Just so we're ALL clear OBAMA TRUMP Investigation (and counting) Indicted Paul Manafort Indicted: George Papadopoulos Flynn Indicted: Michael Cohen Richard Indicted: Russian officers indicted: Prigozhin investigations. No Obama Special Counsel investigations. No Obama administration indictments. drama... Obama. Hillary Clinton Benghazi "Investigation" Indicted: Indicted: Bogacheva Indicted: Sergey Indicted: indictments convictions Hillary Clinton Email Investigation" Aslanov Podkopaev indictments 0convictions Research Agency Concord Michael Flynn Guilty Papadopolous Zwaan Criminal Conspiracy Conspiracy (and counting) counts) counts) Subscribing false Failure Unregistered statements counts) counts) accounts counts) counts) counts) counts) 5counts) counts) fraud counts) counts) Subscribing Assisting Conspiracy Conspiracyto commit fraud Aggravated dentity theft'