Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Dr. Birx “too little, too late” remarks about COVID lies in Trump pandemic response

'Dr. Birx went out of her way to praise Trump and just straight up lied'


Birx covered up Trump lies and thousands died
Dr. Deborah Birx, who was the Trump administration's coordinator of the Coronavirus Task Force, said in a CBS News' Face The Nation interview that aired Sunday that ex-President Donald Trump had been reviewing “parallel” data sets on the coronavirus pandemic from someone inside the administration.

“I saw the president presenting graphs that I never made,” Birx said. “So, I know that someone out there or someone inside was creating a parallel set of data and graphics that were shown to the president.”

Birx said she doesn’t know who gave the Trump competing information but "I know now by watching some of the tapes that certainly Scott Atlas brought in parallel data streams."

She added: "I don’t know who else was part of it, but I think when the record goes back and people see what I was writing on a daily basis that was sent up to White House leadership, that they will see that I was highly specific on what I was seeing and what needed to be done."

EDITOR'S NOTE: Despite her claims about what she felt, on March 27, 2020, this is what Birx actually said on camera about Trump: "[Trump is] so attentive to the scientific literature & the details & the data. I think his ability to analyze & integrate data that comes out of his long history in business has really been a real benefit” I remember seeing her say this and thinking at the time she is not fit to be a doctor, never mind a White House advisor. - Will Collette

Birx was blasted after her comments Sunday for failing to speak out at the time to set the record straight about what she saw in the White House:

“So maybe Dr. Birx should explain why she didn’t set the record straight when she saw this. Of course she won’t, because she was more committed to keeping her job than actually doing it well."
  - Dr. Angela Rasmussen

“So brave of her to speak up now, when in real time she was telling audiences that the President was great at analyzing data. So... Dr. Birx legacy is one of failure, sycophancy and failure."
  - Soledad O’Brien

Birx also said that there were COVID-19 deniers at the White House.

“There were people who definitely believed that this was a hoax,” she said. “I think the information was confusing at the beginning. I think because we didn’t talk about the spectrum of the disease, everyone interpreted what they knew.”

When asked what her biggest mistake was during her time in the Trump administration, Birx said she should have been “more outspoken,” especially on the issue of COVID testing.

“I didn’t know all the consequences of all these issues,” she said. 

Birx has been criticized for never publicly challenging Trump’s suggestion to inject bleach, and after she warned of a dangerous “new phase” of the pandemic last August, Trump tweeted that her comments were “pathetic.”

So Crazy Nancy Pelosi said horrible things about Dr. Deborah Birx, going after her because she was too positive on the very good job we are doing on combatting the China Virus, including Vaccines & Therapeutics. In order to counter Nancy, Deborah took the bait & hit us. Pathetic!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 3, 2020