Monday, July 26, 2021

Charlestown, be sure to fill out your survey




Fellow Residents of Charlestown, 

All registered voters and property owners have received the town survey in the mail. 

With this email we are sending a gentle reminder: Charlestown Residents United encourages all town residents to respond to the survey. You can fill out the survey and return it by mail or complete the survey online. 

Participation is the way you can get the town government you want, whether through your vote in November or giving feedback, such as this survey, to town government. 

Let town government know how to direct your tax dollars and if you support affordable housing for future generations, more jobs and a better small business climate in town, and upgrades at Ninigret Park to bring it in line with facilities in neighboring communities. 

Also, if you feel any issues may have been overlooked on the survey, please list them in the comments section provided in question 18 (paper copy) question 19 (online version). Please keep in mind that if you want to make additional comments, the best way to complete the survey is online using the PIN number provided on your survey; you’ll have more space than provided on the paper copy. 

Thank you, and please remember, the elected officials of Charlestown serve at the pleasure of the taxpayers and should be responsive to their needs.  


Jodi Frank

Charlestown Residents United






Charlestown Residents United (CRU) is a Political Action Committee dedicated to providing a voice to all Charlestown residents.








Paid for by

Charlestown Residents United

P.O. Box 412

Charlestown, RI 02813