Thursday, April 18, 2024

Do not feed the trolls.

It only encourages them

By Will Collette

Several years ago, Tom Ferrio and I decided to turn off the comments section of Progressive Charlestown after we were being swamped daily with spam and troll messages. This was even before today's sophisticated bot technology that Russia used so well to promote Donald Trump's 2016 election.

There is no reasoning with bots and, unfortunately, you also can't carry on a rational conversation with fanatics, especially Trump's legion of MAGAnuts. They may be human but they're really not all there. Plus, engagement could be dangerous since at least a few of them are prone to violence.

Recently, Charlestown's Jim Mageau has been flexing his rhetorical muscles with rants in the Westerly Sun, often to attack Democrats, excoriate Joe Biden and promote his spiritual master Donald Trump. These letters have gotten Jim the attention he so desperately needs by drawing in well-meaning people who felt the need to debate him.

Big mistake.

I have to admit I was tempted, but then after thinking about it, I wrote this Letter to the Sun instead: 

Letters to the editor columns and social media get filled these days with many provocative messages often filled with lies and personal attacks. It’s hard not to get angry and want to lash out with a counterattack.

Most of the time, it’s a waste of time to do get into the argument. It adds little to rational public debate since most of these provocations are so over the top that few pay them any attention.

You won’t change the messengers' minds since they range from Russian bots designed to disrupt American civil society to pathetic old cranks looking for attention.

Don’t give them what they want – it only encourages them.

If you actually like trolls, come to Ninigret Park this summer and enjoy.