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Monday, February 11, 2019

What are the medical reasons for Trump's orange skin

By Randa Morris 

Related imageThe abnormal tone of the president’s complexion has inspired many colorful nicknames. 

Whether it’s ‘orange orangutan’ or ‘carotene cretin,’ the unusual color of Donald Trump’s skin is something that consistently makes its way into almost every Trump-related conversation.

The president’s abnormal skin color has been the subject of much rumor and speculation, as well. 

People have theorized the orangeness is the result of everything from “juicing too many carrots” to using “poorly applied self-tanning lotions.”

Last week an anonymous White House official chimed in, via the New York Times, blaming the weird orange color of Trump’s skin on ‘good genes.’ 

Needless to say, there is no scientific evidence to back up the claim that orange skin has anything to do with good genes. It can, however, be a sign of any number of serious medical conditions.

Before we look at those, let’s review what we already know about Trump’s health.

Image result for Harold N Bornstein
Dr. Bornstein
What do we know about the president’s health?

Prior to the 2016 election, Donald Trump released a health statement which he initially claimed was written by his longtime physician, Harold N Bornstein.

Some of the most memorable quotes from that statement include:

  • “Mr Trump has had a recent complete medical examination that showed only positive results.”
  • “Actually, his blood pressure, 110/65, and laboratory test results were astonishingly excellent.”
  • “His physical strength and stamina are extraordinary.”
  • “His cardiovascular status is excellent. ”
  • “If elected, Mr Trump, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency.”
Bornstein later confessed that the statement was concocted by Trump. He never physically examined the president or performed any tests in connection with the phony health statement.

Stranger still, Bornstein later accused Trump of sending goons to raid his office, apparently to assume control of Trump’s medical records.

If you have nothing to hide, why go to all this trouble to hide nothing?

Related image
Trump at his 72nd birthday party. The grinning fool two seats down
from him is Trump's white supremacist advisor Stephen Miller,
There have been at least as many theories presented on the president’s abnormal behavior, as there have been about his abnormal skin color.

In videos and public appearances, the president often seems unsure of where he is or what he is doing

There’s evidence that he has difficulty remembering things. He sometimes appears to struggle with minor tasks such as drinking from a water bottle, or closing an umbrella. There are times when his speech appears slurred. He is also reportedly prone to fits of rage.

These and other behaviors have inspired theories ranging from untreated syphilis to early-stage Alzheimer’s Disease or dementia, as Omarosa suggested in her book ‘Unhinged.’ 

There are also allegations of drug use, including snorting of substances such as Adderall and cocaine (which could also possibly explain the president’s sniffling problem.)

Without an actual, unbiased evaluation from a medical professional, we have no way of knowing which, if any of these theories might be true.

Why is Ronny Jackson (aka the Candyman) coming back to the White House, while still under investigation by the Pentagon?

Image result for fat trump
Just in time for the president’s annual physical, scandal-plagued physician Dr. Ronny Jackson will be returning to his role as White House doctor. Jackson, who remains under investigation by the Pentagon, earned the nickname ‘candyman’ during his previous tenure in the White House. 

According to numerous sources, Jackson had a reputation for handing out prescription medicines to White House staff “as if they were candy.”

Trump nominated Jackson to head the VA last March. He later withdrew his nomination after a flood of incriminating material came to light. On February 2, 2019, the Trump administration announced Dr. Ronny Jackson would be returning to the White House. 

Jackson will be assuming the role of Chief Medical Advisor and White House Physician.

Just one day earlier, on February 1, White House Press Secretary, Sarah Sanders, announced the president’s upcoming yearly physical. 

That exam took place on Friday, February 8 where Trump was said to be in “very good health” with his doctor making the extraordinary (and possibly unethical) prediction that he will remain so for the balance of his term. No actual details were provided.

What would happen if Trump saw a real doctor?

Related imageOrange-colored skin is a medical condition called hypercarotenemia

If Trump’s complexion really is a naturally occurring phenomenon, as he insists it is, something is clearly not right. Healthy people are not orange, regardless of their genes.

There are three primary causes of hypercarotenemia. The most common cause is ingesting too many foods containing carotenoids. 

These foods are mostly fruits and vegetables, with carrots being one of the primary culprits. Given what we know about the president’s eating habits, it seems unlikely primary hypercarotenemia is the cause of his abnormal skin color.

Secondary carotenoderma (orange skin) can be associated with a number of serious, underlying medical conditions. Some of the conditions that could be causing the orangish skin tone include hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus, anorexia nervosa, nephrotic syndrome, and liver disease. 

There is also some evidence of a connection between orange skin and Alzheimer’s.

Does the public have a right to know if the president is suffering from a physical or mental health condition?

If the president is suffering from a physical or mental health condition that could interfere with his ability to carry out his duties, the public has a right to know. 

Given what we know about Trump’s previous health statement and the sordid history of Dr. Ronny Jackson, Friday’s health check will likely do little to ease the minds of concerned citizens the world over.

Again, why go to such extreme lengths to keep your medical condition and records secret, if you have nothing to hide? Why craft a fake doctor’s statement? Why send thugs to seize your medical records? 

And while we’re asking questions, why is the White House trying to convince us that orange skin is a sign of ‘good genes’? The truth is, the condition is not natural or normal in a healthy person.

Author Randa Morris has been a freelance writer for over ten years. She is an active political blogger and administrator for several social media activism groups.