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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Jammed up by the Navy

If your remote garage door opener or wireless keypad hasn't been working, the problem may not be in your equipment.

Radio signals coming from the Newport Naval Station's new Enterprise Land Mobile Radio System have been jamming garage doors all over Aquidneck Island. But the problem seems to have spread "way far." Like the 22 miles to my house. My garage remote hasn't been working. I thought it might be dead batteries. But it will apparently be a lot more complicated.

In a just-published piece in the ProJo, the Navy is reportedly suspending use of the system until June 3rd to allow residents enough time to contact their garage door installer to change their equipment. Some installers say they will do the fix for free. The Navy will not change its system to cease being a nuisance, clinging to the motto "The price of liberty is eternal jammed garage doors."

If your system hasn't been working, try it now.  As soon as I read the ProJo piece, I did and both my remote and keypad worked fine. Next, I'll have to call the installer about a permanent fix.