What can be
done about that?
Florida Atlantic University

This dichotomy together with an environment of distrust spurred by anecdotes, fake news, and to a large extent, social media, has created a skeptical and misinformed public.
As a result, researchers from Florida Atlantic University's Schmidt College of Medicine and collaborators say society is rejecting the facts.
Now more than ever, medical researchers must help the public understand the rigorous process of science, which has been around for thousands of years.
In return, the public has to pay attention, realize that one size doesn't fit all, and understand that the answers are not just black or white. Lives are depending on it.
In an article published in the American Journal of Medicine, the researchers highlight opportunities for academic institutions to achieve and maintain research integrity, which encompasses accountability for all scientific and financial issues, including human subjects' and animal protections, investigator accountability, grant submission, design, conduct, analyses, and interpretation of findings, oversight of colleagues and students, environmental health and safety, among others.
Research integrity focuses on the many positive attributes that should be sought and maintained by academic institutions as well as their faculty, staff, and trainees. This includes transparency, rigor, and reproducibility.
The best way for medical researchers
to meet this challenge is by continuing to ensure integrity, rigor,
reproducibility and replication of their science and to earn the public's trust
by being morally responsible and completely free of any influences. Medical
researchers have a passion for truth and discovery, therefore, integrity and
trust are essential attributes.
"The reason that the public has
lost trust and confidence in science is multifaceted and complicated,"
said Janet Robishaw, Ph.D., senior author, senior associate dean for research,
and chair of the Department of Biomedical Science in FAU's Schmidt College of
Medicine, and a member of the FAU Brain Institute (I-BRAIN), one of the
University's four research pillars.
"One of the main reasons is anecdotal stories, which can be very powerful, and are being given too much weight. There's so much news coming out from so many sources including social media. That's why it's imperative for the public to discern an anecdote from scientific results in a peer-reviewed journal. This is how the premise that vaccinations cause autism evolved along with fabricated results that pushed the anti-vaccination movement."
"One of the main reasons is anecdotal stories, which can be very powerful, and are being given too much weight. There's so much news coming out from so many sources including social media. That's why it's imperative for the public to discern an anecdote from scientific results in a peer-reviewed journal. This is how the premise that vaccinations cause autism evolved along with fabricated results that pushed the anti-vaccination movement."
Robishaw and corresponding author
Charles H. Hennekens, M.D., Dr.PH, first Sir Richard Doll Professor and senior
academic advisor in FAU's Schmidt College of Medicine, stress that research
integrity starts with investigators who share the guiding principles of
honesty, openness, and accountability and who provide scientific and ethical
mentorship to their trainees.
As researchers compete for increasingly limited resources and face growing challenges with evolving technologies, broad consensus is required across the research enterprise, including funding agencies, medical journals as well as all academic institutions, to address these increasingly major clinical, ethical and legal challenges.
As researchers compete for increasingly limited resources and face growing challenges with evolving technologies, broad consensus is required across the research enterprise, including funding agencies, medical journals as well as all academic institutions, to address these increasingly major clinical, ethical and legal challenges.
"Our common goal should be to
return public trust in our research enterprise, which has done so much good for
so many," said Robishaw.
"The more we can do as scientists to promote our guiding principles of rigor, transparency, honesty and reproducibility and to provide the best evidence possible and get people to understand them, the greater the likelihood that they will listen to the message and follow it."
"The more we can do as scientists to promote our guiding principles of rigor, transparency, honesty and reproducibility and to provide the best evidence possible and get people to understand them, the greater the likelihood that they will listen to the message and follow it."
Among the opportunities the authors
provide for enhancing research integrity include identifying the best
benchmarking practices, establishing a research compliance infrastructure and
implementing a quality assurance plan.
These priorities should include assessing the research climate, developing policies and responsibilities for ethics investigations, and providing a process for resolution of formal disputes. In addition, establishing lists of independent experts to conduct periodic reviews of institutional procedures could be helpful.
Reinforcing existing regulatory policies that include emails regarding grant routing and regulatory policies, and providing both formal and informal training to faculty, staff, and trainees are other suggestions the authors provide.
These priorities should include assessing the research climate, developing policies and responsibilities for ethics investigations, and providing a process for resolution of formal disputes. In addition, establishing lists of independent experts to conduct periodic reviews of institutional procedures could be helpful.
Reinforcing existing regulatory policies that include emails regarding grant routing and regulatory policies, and providing both formal and informal training to faculty, staff, and trainees are other suggestions the authors provide.
"We should not allow research
misconduct committed by a very small minority of researchers to detract from
the growing focus on efforts to improve the overall quality of the research
process carried out by the vast majority," said Hennekens.
"I continue to believe that the overwhelming majority of researchers strive for and achieve scientific excellence and research integrity."
"I continue to believe that the overwhelming majority of researchers strive for and achieve scientific excellence and research integrity."
In conclusion, the authors, which
include David L. DeMets, Ph.D., professor emeritus, University of Wisconsin
School of Medicine and Public Health; Sarah K. Wood, M.D., senior associate
dean for medical education, and Phillip Boiselle, M.D., dean, both in FAU's
Schmidt College of Medicine, emphasize that research integrity requires
synchronicity and collaboration between as well as within all academic
"If we fail to maintain
research integrity we will lose public trust and it will lead to avoidable
consequences of substantial penalties, financial and otherwise, adverse
publicity and reputational damage," said Robishaw. "Scientists must strive
to self-regulate and earn public trust to advance health."