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Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Charlestown Historical Society Annual meeting on January 23

CHS Annual Meeting

Hezekiah Carpenter Cradle

Annual Meeting
January 23, 2016 at 2:00 PM
Cross' Mills Public Library
Champlin Room

The CHS Annual meeting is scheduled for January 23, 2016, at 2:00 pm, at the Cross' Mills Public Library Champlin Room, 4417 Old Post Road, Charlestown. 

Our presentation for the meeting will be in follow-up to the recent CHS acquisition of the Hezekiah Carpenter Cradle dating to the late 1700's. 

Although the cradle was owned by the Webster family of Charlestown for several generations in the mid-1800's, CHS would like to gift this historic cradle back to the place of its provenance, Hopkinton, RI. 

For the time being, we will hold it safely in the CHS Archive and will have it on display during this event. The Hopkinton Historical Society will join CHS in hosting this meeting.

Our guest speaker will be Senator Donald Williams from Connecticut, who recently published Prudence Crandall's Legacy. 

He will present the history of an American heroine, Hezekiah Carpenter's granddaughter, Prudence Crandall. Born in Hopkinton, RI in 1803.     

She went on to become a teacher of Native American and African American children growing up in the earlier part of the 1800's. 

Much ridiculed and shunned for her beliefs, a museum now stands in Canterbury, CT in her honor. 

Sen.Williams is a graduate of Syracuse University and holds a law degree from Washington and Lee University. He has worked in journalism and higher education at Connecticut College, served on the board of numerous nonprofits and was recently elected to the board of trustees of the Connecticut Historical Society. 

We look forward to this presentation and will send a reminder in mid-January to make sure you have this event on your calendar!

About Us
Although the CHS Archive and 1838 Schoolhouse are closed for the season, we are always happy to open up for you, whether it's just for one or a group.  The archive is a reference source for many throughout the year.

Our annual membership newsletter will be mailed late Winter 2016. Please keep us in your thoughts when making charitable donations to your favorite nonprofits.

1838 Schoolhouse and Archive
Located at 4417B Old Post Road, Charlestown, RI

For an Appointment
Pam at 401-641-1952 or Suzanne at 401-364-3935

Charlestown Historical Society
P.O. Box 100
Charlestown, RI  02813

The Charlestown Historical Society is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization registered in the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations.