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Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Official post from Town Hall on saving energy

Charlestown Town Hall
4540 South County Trail
Charlestown, RI 20813

comes to Charlestown

 The Town of Charlestown is pleased to work with SmartPower® and National Grid to assist our residents in lowering their energy costs and potentially getting an energy efficiency grant for our seniors. Residents can now participate through an easy to use website at Not only can you reduce energy usage, but also through Rhode Island's Energy Challenge, our Senior/Community Center will become eligible for a $5,000 grant. The grant is to be used toward the purchase of energy efficient lighting for the Center's parking area. Please join us in achieving the dual goals of lowering your energy usage and getting a grant for our Center.

Mark Stankiewicz
Town Administrator

On April 11, 2016 Charlestown passed a Resolution to partner with the Rhode Island Energy Challenge: Find Your Four, which is a state-wide energy efficiency campaign run by the not-for-profit SmartPower and supported by National Grid. The campaign asks each of us to take four actions in our homes to reduce our energy use. We are committed to getting 5% of Charlestown households to sign up at With only 300 sign-ups, Charlestown will win a $5,000 grant, which will be used for new efficient lighting in the Senior Center parking lot.
You may have seen SmartPower folks around town, at the Cross Mills Public Library, during the Knitting Group, or at the Charlestown Mini Super. We're asking you to please consider joining the Rhode Island Energy Challenge and participate by taking four simple energy actions in your home so you save money and energy. Here's all you need to do to join the Challenge:
Click here:
Thank you for getting involved.
Please invite 4 friends or neighbors to do the same

Please consider adding your name to the Rhode Island Energy Challenge.  With only 300 names our Town will win a $5,000 grant for new efficient lighting in the Senior Center Parking lot!

Come on ... add your name to this worthwhile challenge.


Remember, your name plus four friends or neighbors and we'll have 300 sign-ups before you know it!