About time

The MassMutual Foundation is
providing the FutureSmartSM program to all Rhode Island middle schools
at no cost to the schools or taxpayers. Schools will begin using the new
curriculum in the 2016-2017 academic year.
"It's vitally important
that young people across Rhode Island understand personal finance and how
having a good credit score will help them succeed. Yet research shows that only
43 percent of parents feel prepared to have these conversations with their kids
at home. The FutureSmart program will put Rhode Island middle school students
on a firm path to developing lifelong financial skills."
By the time adolescents reach
middle school, they have already developed the capacity to understand complex
economic concepts and are beginning to understand consumer culture, make
judgments, and assign value to purchases and brands.
FutureSmart supports these
important middle-school years by empowering students to become the stewards of
their financial futures, and educating them on the practicalities of daily
financial decisions and payoffs of long-term planning.
"Teaching young people how
to manage their money and make good financial decisions is one of our most
important obligations," said Nick Fyntrilakis, President of the MassMutual
"We have provided more than
200,000 students in the 2015-2016 academic year with the knowledge they need to
build better futures, and we are excited to bring this program to middle
schools across Rhode Island."
FutureSmart, powered by
education technology company EverFi, is a web-based program that uses the
latest in new media technology -- simulations, gaming and adaptive-pathing --
to bring complex financial concepts to life for today's digital generation.
The middle school course covers
a variety of financial topics including financial values and goal-setting,
budgeting, saving, investing, payment types, banking, risk vs. return, planning
for the future, and other critical concepts.
The curriculum aligns with both
state and national standards published by the Jump$tart Coalition for Personal
Financial Literacy. The platform uniquely tracks the progress and
performance of every student, and teachers use the course as an in-class
activity to supplement traditional classroom instruction.
MassMutual Foundation hopes to
reach more than 2 million students with FutureSmart by 2020.