Ask Richard Nixon.

President Trump started off his Monday morning in style, tweeting that he has the “absolute right” to pardon himself for any crime.
As has been stated by numerous legal scholars, I have the absolute right to PARDON myself, but why would I do that when I have done nothing wrong? In the meantime, the never ending Witch Hunt, led by 13 very Angry and Conflicted Democrats (& others) continues into the mid-terms!Donald J. Trump
know he is serious because the word pardon is in all caps. But is he right?
On August 5, 1974, Mary Lawton, the Acting Assistant Attorney General, examined the question of whether the president can pardon himself. The president at the time was Richard Nixon.
“Under the fundamental rule that no one may be a judge in his own case, the President cannot pardon himself,” Lawton wrote.
analysis was analyzed last year by a trio of legal
scholars for the Washington Post, including the White House Counsels for
Presidents Obama and Bush.
As they wrote:
As they wrote:
Justice Department was right that guidance could be found in the enduring
principles that no one can be both the judge and the defendant in the same
matter, and that no one is above the law.
Constitution specifically bars the president from using the pardon power to
prevent his own impeachment and removal. It adds that any official removed
through impeachment remains fully subject to criminal prosecution. That
provision would make no sense if the president could pardon himself.
the pardon power dates back hundreds of years, the scholars writing in the Post
were unable to find a single case of a self-pardon recognized as legitimate.
“Even the pope does not pardon himself. On March 28, 2014, in St. Peter’s Basilica, Pope Francis publicly kneeled before a priest and confessed his sins for about three minutes,” they wrote.
“Even the pope does not pardon himself. On March 28, 2014, in St. Peter’s Basilica, Pope Francis publicly kneeled before a priest and confessed his sins for about three minutes,” they wrote.
are some legal scholars who do believe the president can pardon himself.
Writing Monday in USA Today, law professor Jonathon Turley makes that argument.
even Turley calls the idea of a self-pardon “reprehensible and ignoble.”
Giuliani, now acting as Trump’s lawyer, recently said that Trump “probably” had the power to
pardon himself — but added that such an act would likely lead to his “immediate
president cannot pardon himself. Even if he tries it and the courts allow it,
which is unlikely, he would almost certainly be removed from office
days after Lawton issued her memorandum, Nixon resigned.