Which One Makes the Most
Sense? Time for Occam’s razor
Thom Hartmann in Common Dreams

There are three general theories to explain Trump’s behavior toward Russia (and other hard-right broadly autocratic regimes), and for unknown reasons the two most likely ones are almost entirely absent from our electronic media.
The three theories, in ascending order of likelihood, are:
Manchurian Candidate: He’s being blackmailed or has been a Russian asset for
Wannabe Dictator: He believes that countries should be run like
companies—essentially autocracies.
Deadbeat: He’s not only not rich, but he’s badly in debt, and Russian
billionaires are among his main creditors.

It’s the least likely, although if it’s true Robert Mueller will probably be letting us all know soon. But there’s little in Trump’s past that would suggest this is the case other than his embrace of Russia over the Obama administration’s reactions to the annexation of Crimea and activity in Ukraine.
it’s far more likely that his support of Russia during the Obama administration
had everything to do with hating on anything our nation’s first Black president
had done (impose sanctions on Russia and expel diplomats, etc.) as well as
wanting to trash the presumed 2016 Democratic presidential candidate, Secretary
of State Hillary Clinton.
his dislike of NATO is the sort of standard-variety right-wing stuff that’s
been promoted within the Republican Party from the days of the John Birch
Society to Steve Bannon’s recent reign, and reflects an isolationist fear of
alliances rather than an affection for non-NATO actors like Russia.
The Wannabe Dictator theory has a lot more credibility, and explains much of why Trump gravitates to strongman types like Putin, Turkey’s Erdogan, the Philippines’ Duterte, Saudi Arabia’s Mohammed bin Salman, and China’s Xi.
Trump knows very little about the history behind democratic republics (it would be shocking if he could even identify Thomas Hobbes or John Locke, or define the Enlightenment) and virtually nothing (based on public pronouncements) about the fundamental reasons why “Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”
are basically serfdoms. The CEO is the king, the board and senior executives
are the courtiers and landed gentry, and the workers are the serfs. This has
been Trump’s experience ever since he inherited his daddy’s business, and he’s
never in his life been accountable to any principle (like “democracy”) or to
any persons.
much like George W. Bush’s “joke” that, “If this were a dictatorship it would
be a heck of a lot easier... as long as I’m the dictator,” Trump not only may
think it would be easier, but, even more ominous, may think it’s desirable for
the country.
have long used false analogies of “government as business or home”
(particularly with regard to debt) that completely distort the real reasons for
the existence of, and functions of, government. So it wouldn’t be at all
surprising if Trump were to believe this nonsense, out of both ignorance and
given a variety of possible explanations for something happening, usually the
most simple and direct answer is the correct one.
And there’s one huge, simple, straightforward explanation for Donald Trump’s perpetual unwillingness to even hint at a direct criticism of Putin. And it’s not the pee-pee tapes.
And there’s one huge, simple, straightforward explanation for Donald Trump’s perpetual unwillingness to even hint at a direct criticism of Putin. And it’s not the pee-pee tapes.
how and why.
all know that Trump is both a terrible negotiator and a terrible businessman.
Dozens of his companies have gone down in flames, thousands of small businesses and workers have been screwed out of money he owed them, and his bankruptcies are legendary.
Dozens of his companies have gone down in flames, thousands of small businesses and workers have been screwed out of money he owed them, and his bankruptcies are legendary.
the American people didn’t seem to think this was a big deal, the American
banks sure did. After Trump’s last bankruptcy, so far as press reports
indicate, he could no longer borrow money at reasonable rates here in the U.S.,
and a real estate developer who can’t borrow money is rapidly out of business.
Trump, as his son Eric tells it, turned away from U.S. banks and went to a
number of Russian billionaires for his money. In 2014, when asked directly how
he could have acquired $100 million in cash for new golf course acquisitions,
Eric Trump famously said, “Well, we don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of
if President Putin were to order his own billionaires to get their money back
out of Trump’s properties and refuse to give him any more, Trump could well end
up broke.
in, losing all his properties, from Mar-a-Lago to Trump Tower.
could wipe out all of his remaining businesses.
kids would have to get real jobs, and no more big-game safaris.
wife might leave him, and take their son.
could end up living in a cardboard box on skid row.
isn’t afraid of being exposed as a lout or a racist; he’s afraid of being
financially wiped out if Russian oligarchs pull out of Trump properties.
he’s seeing that collection of pictures in his head when he looks at Vladimir
Putin, it would go a long way to explain his prayerful body posture and
cringeworthy sycophancy.
also would explain why Trump has been so unwilling to release his tax returns,
even after he won the election.
David Cay Johnston has pointed out on multiple occasions, Trump is almost
certainly nowhere near as rich as he brags that he is, and has a long history
of connections with shady/mafia characters to get the
money he needs.
this is not about just being embarrassed by being caught about inflating his
net worth—Trump’s a man who has little ability to feel shame, as we have seen
over and over again. Similarly, it’s not about the pee-pee tapes.
bragging that he can grab women by the crotch—and having dozens come forward
and accuse him of variations on just that—he must know that if he’d paid a
couple of white Russian hookers to urinate on the bed that our nation’s first
Black president and his wife had slept in, it may well actually help him with
his base.
It surely wouldn’t hurt him politically, and he knows that as well as anybody.
It surely wouldn’t hurt him politically, and he knows that as well as anybody.
isn’t afraid of being exposed as a lout or a racist; he’s afraid of being
financially wiped out if Russian oligarchs pull out of Trump properties.
why he’s even willing to take the risks and political hit by defying the
Constitution and hanging onto the Trump Hotel in D.C.—he needs the money to
keep his businesses afloat.
2016, Fortune magazine analyzed his federal
public filings, and concluded that he’s both less wealthy than he says and
appears, and that he regularly lies about it.
razor dictates that, like with everything else in Trump’s entire life, this is
all about money and its relationship to his own fragile self-image. If a few
Russian oligarchs said, “Nyet,” he would suffer severe damage, both
reputational and business-wise, and it may well be damage from which he
couldn’t recover.
may also explain why Russia (and a few other countries with billionaire
oligarchs and/or Trump business interests, from the Middle East countries with
Trump properties, to China with Trump’s daughter’s manufacturing) were
enthusiastic about Donald Trump becoming president.
man who depends on you for his financial lifeblood is a man more willing to
give in around governmental and policy areas.
that Robert Mueller has, according to some reports, acquired access to Trump’s
business records, all this may be coming out, which may explain why Trump seems
so obsessed with, and frightened by, Mueller’s and the FBI’s “witch hunt.”
Mueller exposes financial fragility on Trump’s part, it may tip the first
domino that then causes the entire Trump empire to collapse.
be interesting to see if the Chinese, for example, would then claw back the
billion dollars they just pledged to Trump’s Indonesian property, or his
daughter’s hundred-million-dollar Chinese trademarks, which coincidentally
preceded by days Trump’s decision to let ZTE resume selling spy-able phones to U.S.
interesting will be if the Middle Eastern billionaires and state wealth funds
that are loaning over a billion to bail out Jared Kushner decide he’s no longer
a good bet, either.
is one of the few scenarios that explain pretty much everybody’s behavior
within the Trump Crime Family, as well as the people in their immediate orbit.
Mark Felt (“Deep Throat”) famously said to Bob Woodward: “Follow the money.”
Thom Hartmann (thom
at thomhartmann.com) is a Project Censored Award-winning New York Times
best-selling author, and host of a nationally syndicated daily progressive talk
program The Thom Hartmann Show. www.thomhartmann.comHis most recent books
are Rebooting the American Dream: 11 Ways to Rebuild Our
Country and an updated edition of "Unequal Protection: How Corporations Became
"People" - And How You Can Fight Back." Previous
books include: Threshold: The Crisis of Western Culture,"
"The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight,"
"We The People: A Call To Take Back America,"
"What Would Jefferson Do?," "Screwed: The Undeclared War Against the Middle Class
and What We Can Do About It," and "Cracking The Code: The Art and Science of Political
Persuasion." He is a writing fellow at the Independent
Media Institute.