Fisheries outcomes maximized through traditional practice

Paul Carvalho, along with URI Assistant Professor Austin Humphries and colleagues from several other institutions, found that fishing grounds with areas that are closed to fisheries but are periodically harvested are better than fishing grounds with permanent, no-take marine protected areas.
they found that such “pulse” harvest marine protected areas also perform better
than traditional measures that aim to keep fisheries at maximum sustainable
Carvalho said that this study could help revolutionize fisheries management and settle a long-running debate between fisheries management and conservation sectors about the role of marine protected areas in balancing potential for stock recovery and maintaining yields.
were impressed by how well periodic closures continued to perform under
different scenarios,” said Carvalho, who conducted the research while studying
at California Polytechnic State University.
“Across a large range of closure durations, closure sizes, fish population growth rates and movement patterns, fishing grounds with periodic closures consistently gave the best combined outcomes for stock, yield and catch efficiency.”
“Across a large range of closure durations, closure sizes, fish population growth rates and movement patterns, fishing grounds with periodic closures consistently gave the best combined outcomes for stock, yield and catch efficiency.”
the crux of the matter is the current model of fishing closures.
Conservationists have argued that permanently closed, no-take marine protected
areas are an effective means of mediating overfishing and allowing stock
replenishment, and many global conservation agencies are thus calling on high
levels of protection in 30 percent of the world’s oceans.
marine protected areas can shift fishing effort into remaining fishing grounds.
More crowded fishing grounds can make it harder to find fish, thus reducing
catch efficiency and driving up costs for the industry to maintain steady
Fisheries managers have long championed tools such as quotas and access restrictions—the second management strategy to prevent overfishing and let fish populations rebuild—to try to maintain sustainable catches.
But global declines in fish stocks have called into question whether these measures on their own are effective enough. Therein lies a tradeoff, where managers seemingly need to balance competing objectives for keeping fish in the sea and fish on the dinner plate.
Fisheries managers have long championed tools such as quotas and access restrictions—the second management strategy to prevent overfishing and let fish populations rebuild—to try to maintain sustainable catches.
But global declines in fish stocks have called into question whether these measures on their own are effective enough. Therein lies a tradeoff, where managers seemingly need to balance competing objectives for keeping fish in the sea and fish on the dinner plate.
and his colleagues considered a third management strategy that is commonly
implemented by small-scale fishers across the Pacific – periodically opening
their fisheries closures to pulse harvests, similar to a rotational harvest
Like permanent no-take marine protected areas, these periodic closures temporarily displace fishing effort and thus can promote stock recovery during the intervals while they are closed. Most importantly, however, many of the fish protected within the closure become less wary of fishing gear, giving large boosts to harvest efficiency when the closures are temporarily opened.
Like permanent no-take marine protected areas, these periodic closures temporarily displace fishing effort and thus can promote stock recovery during the intervals while they are closed. Most importantly, however, many of the fish protected within the closure become less wary of fishing gear, giving large boosts to harvest efficiency when the closures are temporarily opened.
researchers developed innovative bioeconomic fisheries models that incorporated
this documented fish behavioral response to protection.
found that in a well-managed fishery, fishing grounds with periodic closures
continuously outperformed those with non-spatial management and permanently
closed marine protected areas for achieving the triple bottom-line objectives
of simultaneously supporting high yields, stock abundance and harvest
efficiency,” said Stacy Jupiter, Melanesia regional director for the Wildlife
Conservation Society. The outcomes were maximized with closures for periods of
one to two years, followed by pulse harvests within a single year.
Januchowski-Hartley, a research fellow at Swansea University, added: “While
recreational and small-scale fishers across the world know that fish behavior
can change because of fishing and protection, it normally isn’t included in
management models. These results show the importance of considering changing
fish behavior and its impact on catch when designing fisheries management
fact, the only scenarios where periodic closures did not come out on top were
under extreme overfishing, where the harvest efficiency benefit was too small
for the periodic closure strategy to best meet the three objectives compared
with permanent no-take MPAs.
than 25 percent of global fisheries are currently characterized by this extreme
level of overfishing,” explained Professor Crow White of California Polytechnic
State University. “For these fisheries, permanent no-take MPAs may be critical
for any chance at stock recovery. For the remaining three-fourths, periodic
closures should be considered as an option to balance conservation and
sustainable development needs for the fishing sector.”
study was supported by a grant from the David and Lucile Packard Foundation to
the Wildlife Conservation Society and a National Science Foundation Graduate
Fellowship Research Award to Carvalho.