In 2016, the two
major party candidates for president both had a charitable foundation that bore
their name. One of them—the Clinton Foundation—received a tremendous and, yes,
unfair amount of media coverage regarding supposed corruption and misdeeds, even
though every charge leveled during the campaign has turned out to be baseless.
You might remember in particular the explosive yet absurdly false charge about
uranium—and wasn’t it great to watch Joy Reid absolutely pick that one apart, simply
destroying one of its main purveyors on live TV.
In the end it
was the other one, the Donald J. Trump Foundation, that turned out to be
corrupt—rotten to the core, in fact.
This week The Man Who Lost The Popular Vote was forced to admit it thanks to the work done by New York State Attorney General Letitia James and her office, as well as that of her predecessor, Barbara Underwood. Crooked Hillary? It’s always been Crooked Fucking Donald.
This week The Man Who Lost The Popular Vote was forced to admit it thanks to the work done by New York State Attorney General Letitia James and her office, as well as that of her predecessor, Barbara Underwood. Crooked Hillary? It’s always been Crooked Fucking Donald.
A state judge
ordered Trump to pay $2 million in damages to nonprofit groups on
Thursday after Trump admitted misusing money raised by the Donald J.
Trump Foundation to promote his presidential bid, pay off business debts and
purchase a portrait of himself for one of his hotels.
Among Mr.
Trump’s admissions in court papers: The charity gave his campaign complete
control over disbursing the $2.8 million that the foundation had raised at a
fund-raiser for veterans in Iowa in January 2016, only days before the state’s
presidential nominating caucuses. The fund-raiser, he
acknowledged, was in fact a campaign event.

Trump had to admit it: Crooked Donald pretended to hold a fundraiser for veterans, but then took the money for his campaign. He stole from our veterans. And he admitted it.
You might not
remember it now, but that fundraiser was an incredibly important move by the
Trump campaign at the time. He had announced that he was skipping the last GOP debate before the Iowa caucuses,
which was being held on Fox News. He didn’t want to face Megyn Kelly a second
time, after the, ahem, bad “blood” that had flowed between them in a previous
Fox News debate.
Skipping the
debate was making Trump look small and weak, but the announcement that he was
going spend his time raising money for our veterans instead of going to the
debate changed the narrative.
One headline read: “Trump: While they debated, we raised $6M for vets.” At least that’s what the thief-in-chief claimed at the time:
One headline read: “Trump: While they debated, we raised $6M for vets.” At least that’s what the thief-in-chief claimed at the time:
Dick Marbes,
president of the Disabled American Veterans Charitable Service Trust,
said in a statement to CNBC that Trump reached out after the event.
“We have been
contacted and informed that a donation will be made by the Donald Trump
Foundation to support our mission.”
Now we know it
was a lie, and it may have been one that saved Trump’s campaign—which might
well have ultimately ended in defeat if he had lost Iowa by a much larger
margin. And as god-awful as his actions were, it’s even worse when you realize that
some of the money he stole from our veterans likely went directly into his
Federal records show that his 2016 campaign spent $16.8 million that went to businesses owned by, you guessed it, Donald J. Trump.
Federal records show that his 2016 campaign spent $16.8 million that went to businesses owned by, you guessed it, Donald J. Trump.
That’s not all:
So, beyond
stealing from military veterans, Trump used other money donated to his
foundation—donations that were tax deductible for the donors—as “a piggy bank.”
That’s the phrase Letitia James used.
If you weren’t angry enough, think about the fact that we the taxpayers partially subsidized the painting of that motherfucker that hangs on the wall in Florida (I hope we didn’t pay for the orange paint, at least). In all seriousness: This corruption at its most venal.
If you weren’t angry enough, think about the fact that we the taxpayers partially subsidized the painting of that motherfucker that hangs on the wall in Florida (I hope we didn’t pay for the orange paint, at least). In all seriousness: This corruption at its most venal.
And yet even
well into his presidency, Trump was still bleating on about supposed corruption
at the Clinton Foundation. He used it to deflect attention after the Mueller probe started making
him sweat: “That’s your real Russia story. Not the story where they talk about
collusion, and there was none. It was a hoax. Your real Russia story is
In late 2017
Trump actually got the FBI to launch another investigation into the Clinton Foundation,
after previous ones had produced nothing and, as The New
York Times noted, “career prosecutors had shut down the investigation
in 2016 for lack of evidence.”
Trump politicizing the FBI to investigate a political opponent would have been shocking had any other president done it. Hell, people blew a gasket because Bill Clinton had a conversation on a tarmac with U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch in the summer of 2016—a conversation that ended up giving James Comey a much larger public role in the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails than should’ve been the case. And we all know what Comey did in that role.
But Trump? He just issued a direct order to interfere. He probably thought it would work the same way with the Ukrainian president—but that’s another story.
Republicans even got into the act and tried to throw some stink on the Clintons
in late 2018:
Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.)
said Tuesday that House Republicans plan to hear testimony on Dec. 5 from the
prosecutor appointed by former Attorney General Jeff Sessions to
probe alleged wrongdoing by the Clinton Foundation.
Meadows, who is
chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on
Government Operations, told Hill.TV’s “Rising” that it’s time to “circle back”
to U.S. Attorney John Huber’s investigation with the Justice Department into
whether the Clinton Foundation engaged any improper activities.
“Mr. Huber with
the Department of Justice and FBI has been having an investigation — at least
part of his task was to look at the Clinton Foundation and what may or may not
have happened as it relates to improper activity with that charitable
foundation, so we’ve set a hearing date for December the 5th,” he told Hill.TV
during an interview on Wednesday.
Huber in the end
didn’t testify. It was all bullshit, but of course the Trump
administration would never actually admit that. The whole thing was
classic projection from start to finish.
While we’re
looking back, let’s also note the role the media played in spreading breathless
stories about the corruption that wasn’t at the Clinton Foundation. Let’s not
forget the role the aforementioned New York Times played in giving a platform to those lies throughout the
2016 campaign (h/t Eric Boehlert).
But back to this
week. When the settlement was announced, Trump issued a statement in response.
First of all, he pretended that what he admitted to was merely “some small technical violations, such as not keeping board minutes.”
Second, he stooped to once again bringing up “the Clinton Foundation with all of its problems,” and called for Attorney General James to investigate them.
First of all, he pretended that what he admitted to was merely “some small technical violations, such as not keeping board minutes.”
Second, he stooped to once again bringing up “the Clinton Foundation with all of its problems,” and called for Attorney General James to investigate them.
deflections don’t change the facts: The guy who sits in the Oval Office is
a stone-cold thief. He stole tax-deductible charitable donations to pay
for his personal expenses. He stole from veterans—people who fought and bled to
protect our country and to protect the freedoms we enjoy as Americans—to pay
his campaign expenses.
And Republicans supposedly support and respect the
troops? Anyone who put one of those bumper stickers on their car and still
votes for Trump gives new meaning to the word hypocrite.

In normal
political times, there would be no doubt about the impact of what Trump
admitted to doing this week. It would mean the immediate end of his bid for
reelection and the end of his political career.
The shame alone should be too much to bear for any person with a normal sense of right and wrong. How could someone with a normal moral compass ask voters to return him to the presidency after stealing money donated for our vets and using that money to win the presidency the first time around?
We know what kind of person, what kind of sociopath, this man is. Of the many words we might use to describe him, normal isn’t one of them.
The shame alone should be too much to bear for any person with a normal sense of right and wrong. How could someone with a normal moral compass ask voters to return him to the presidency after stealing money donated for our vets and using that money to win the presidency the first time around?
We know what kind of person, what kind of sociopath, this man is. Of the many words we might use to describe him, normal isn’t one of them.
Ian Reifowitz is
the author of The Tribalization of Politics: How Rush Limbaugh's Race-Baiting
Rhetoric on the Obama Presidency Paved the Way for Trump (Foreword
by Markos Moulitsas)