Trump’s 53-minute Fox rant is another dangerous sign
of his worsening mental state: Yale psychiatrist

You don’t have to be a
medical professional to recognize that the patterns of the unscheduled visit,
interrupting the weekend on a Saturday evening, conform more closely to a
medical emergency than a routine check-up.
Just as the reality of
Mr. Trump’s corruption and criminality is catching up with him through the
impeachment hearings, the reality of his mental and physical condition cannot
help but catch up with him.
Some of this was on full
display in his highly concerning, 53-minute breathless outpour of grievances
that his interview with Fox and Friends on
Friday morning became.
He reverted to
conspiracy theories—as he often does under stress—of Barack Obama’s wire
surveillance of him, a coup in the works from the beginning, and the claim that
Ukraine, not Russia, interfered in the 2016 election and had a secret DNC
These are the very
self-defeating, blatantly abnormal signs that have raised alarms for
psychiatrists and neurologists for years.
All of this came just a day after his former Russia expert warned that the Ukraine theory would bolster Russian, not American, interests. Finally, he added that he fired former FBI Director James Comey to stave off an investigation into him and that he was glad to have done so.
These are the very
self-defeating, blatantly abnormal signs that have raised alarms for
psychiatrists and neurologists for years. No “specialized … evaluations” on the
White House physician’s part seems especially inappropriate in this context.
Cognitive Functions
The president’s
cognitive functioning alone, in terms of his ability to process information and
thoughts, has deteriorated to the point where he has difficulty stringing
together a single coherent sentence.
His word-finding
difficulties, repetitions, and loose connections are only superficial
indicators of a more serious, deeper process.
He has
additionally shown multiple neurological
signs, including slurred speech, movement abnormalities, and
confabulations (filling in gaps of memory with fabricated stories).
The psychiatric signs of
impulsivity, recklessness, and erratic decision-making have been even more
Earlier this year,
preoccupied with his former fixer’s testimony to the special counsel, he walked away from
a high-stakes nuclear talk with North Korea.
The impeachment inquiry
began because of a phone call he made over the summer to solicit Ukraine for election
interference, the day after the special counsel’s testimony on
Russia’s interference in the 2016 election.
More recently, as the
impeachment proceedings unfolded, he gave permission, without consulting any of
his advisers, for Turkey to massacre our Kurdish
allies and together with Russia seize control of the region.
These are not actions
that are explainable as rational or political strategy, as much as a typical
manifestation of the mental impairments we have been observing for a long time.
In January 2018,
then-White House Physician Ronny Jackson administered to the president a
screening test that an Alzheimer’s researcher consortium specifically recommended against for
ruling out serious conditions, given that full-blown Alzheimer patients and
hospitalized schizophrenia patients were found to score in the normal range.
It did not stop the rear
admiral from using the results to declare his employer and commander-in-chief
“fit for duty.”
Earlier this year,
newly-appointed White House doctor Sean Conley involved “11 different board-certified
specialists” in evaluating the president as “very healthy,”
without the mention of a psychiatrist or neurologist.
Conley failed to give
reasons for the unusual number of specialists for a healthy individual with
allegedly no concerning signs, since excessive testing carries its own risks,
such as false-positive findings. He also did not explain departing
from his own prior practices to split a “routine” check-up many months apart.
Without Independence
Neuropsychiatric matters
may be beyond a White House-employed emergency physician’s repertoire. As a
subordinate under the commander-in-chief, he may also feel constrained in
issuing an accurate assessment, as did his predecessor.
Then he should delegate.
A group of us has, for this very reason, devised over a year and a half a
process for forming an independent, nongovernmental
panel of specialists and have offered ourselves in
the interim.
This is even more appropriate when a president’s symptoms become more than just matters of his personal health but of national and international security.
This is even more appropriate when a president’s symptoms become more than just matters of his personal health but of national and international security.
White House physicians,
historically, have not served the public’s
interests when it comes to presidential debility. This is
one of the reasons for our acting on our societal responsibility since
the start of this presidency, as our medical code of ethics dictates.
Further, the American
Psychiatric Association’s code states that “Psychiatrists are encouraged to serve society by
advising and consulting with the executive, legislative, and judiciary branches
of the government.”
Since Congress members
who asked to meet with us ceded that there was not much they could do without
public awareness, we embarked on educating the public, following the APA
guideline that we contribute to activities that improve the community and better
public health.
We agree on the
importance of public awareness: subtle signs for the untrained person can be
blazing red lights to a specialist.
surrounding psychiatric issues are particularly common, even though within
medicine they are considered to be no different than physical ones: they are
just as science-based, objectively observable, and debilitating, with
predictable courses and standardized protocols for management.
Mental health is just as
important, if not more so, when it comes to the office of the presidency. It
should not be relegated to the realm of insults or partisan attacks.
Healthy discussions are
therefore necessary if we are to dispel secrecy and stigma, so that we might
take the necessary precautions to keep ourselves safe, since, with the
president’s diminishing political power, greater mental health challenges are
sure to come.
Bandy X. Lee is a forensic
psychiatrist at the Yale School of Medicine, president of the World
Mental Health Coalition and editor of The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump:
37 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President.