But much of the
American economy remains closed because of the pandemic. The number of
infections and deaths continue to climb. Almost 3,000 Americans died last
Friday alone, the deadliest day since the pandemic began.
So what is Trump’s
reelection strategy? Reopen the economy anyway.
Step 1: Remove income
support, so people have no choice but to return to work.
Trump’s Labor
Department has decided that furloughed employees “must accept” an employer’s
offer to return to work and therefore forfeit unemployment benefits, regardless
of Covid-19.
Trump’s ally, Iowa Republican governor Kim Reynolds, says employees cannot refuse to return to work for fear of contracting the disease. “That’s a voluntary quit,” making someone ineligible for benefits.
GOP officials in
Oklahoma are even threatening to withhold the $600 per week of extra
unemployment benefits Congress has provided workers if an employer wants to
hire them. Safety is irrelevant.
“If the employer will
contact us … we will cut off their benefits,” says Teresa Thomas Keller of the
Oklahoma Employment Security Commission.
Forcing people to
choose between getting Covid-19 or losing their livelihood is inhumane. It’s
also nonsensical. Public health still depends on as many workers as possible
staying home. That’s a big reason why Congress provided the extra benefits.
No one knows how many
Americans are infected because the Trump administration continues to drag its
heels on testing. To date only 6.5 million tests have been completed in a
population of over 200 million adults.
Florida, one of the
first states to reopen, has stopped releasing medical examiners’ statistics on
numbers of Covid-19 victims because the numbers are higher than the state’s
official count.
But it’s impossible to fight the virus without adequate data. Anthony Fauci, the administration’s leading infectious degree expert, warns that reopening poses “a really significant risk” without more testing.
Not surprisingly, the
White House has blocked Fauci from testifying before the House.
Step 3: Pretend it’s
about “freedom.”
Weeks ago, Trump
called on citizens to “LIBERATE” states like Michigan, whose Democratic
governor, Gretchen Whitmer, imposed strict stay-at-home rules.
Michigan has the
third-highest number of Covid-19 deaths in America, although tenth in
population. When on Thursday Whitmer extended the rules to May 28, gun-toting
protesters rushed the state house chanting “Lock her up!”
Rather than condemn
their behavior, Trump suggested Whitmer “make a deal” with them.
“The Governor of
Michigan should give a little, and put out the fire,” he tweeted. “These are very good people, but they are
angry. They want their lives back again, safely!”
Meanwhile, the
Attorney General, William Barr, has directed the Justice Department to take
legal action against any state or local authorities imposing lockdown measures
that “could be violating the constitutional rights and civil liberties of
individual citizens.”
Making this about
“freedom” is absurd. Freedom is meaningless for people who have no choice but
to accept a job that risks their health.
Step 4: Shield
businesses against lawsuits for spreading the infection.
Trump is pushing to
give businesses that reopen a “liability shield” against legal action by
workers or customers who get infected by the virus.
Last week he announced
he would use the Defense Production Act to force meat processing plants to
remain open, despite high rates of Covid-19 infections and deaths among
“We’re going to sign
an executive order today, I believe, and that’ll solve any liability problems,”
Trump said.
Senate Majority Leader
Mitch McConnell insists that proposed legislation giving state and local
governments funding they desperately need must include legal immunity for
corporations that cause workers or consumers to become infected.
“We have a red line on
liability,” McConnell said. “It won’t pass the Senate without it.”
But how can the
economy safely reopen if companies don’t have an incentive to keep people safe?
Promises to provide protective gear and other safeguards are worthless absent the threat of damages if workers or customers become infected.
Promises to provide protective gear and other safeguards are worthless absent the threat of damages if workers or customers become infected.
truth: The biggest obstacle to reopening the economy is the pandemic
Any rush to reopen
without adequate testing and tracing – far more than now underway – will cause
even more deaths, and a longer economic crisis.
Maybe Trump is betting
that the worst of the Covid destruction will occur after election, when the
economy appears to be on the road to recovery.
The first
responsibility of a president is to keep the public safe. But Donald Trump
couldn’t care less. He was slow to respond to the threat, then he lied about
it, then made it hard for states – especially those with Democratic governors –
to get the equipment they need.
Now he’s trying to
force the economy to reopen in order to boost his electoral chances this
November, and he’s selling out Americans’ health to seal the deal. This is
beyond contemptible.
Robert Reich's latest book is "THE SYSTEM:
Who Rigged It, How To Fix It," out March 24.
He is Chancellor's Professor of Public Policy at the University of California at Berkeley and Senior Fellow at the Blum Center. He served as Secretary of Labor in the Clinton administration, for which Time Magazine named him one of the 10 most effective cabinet secretaries of the twentieth century. He has written 17 other books, including the best sellers "Aftershock," "The Work of Nations," "Beyond Outrage," and "The Common Good." He is a founding editor of the American Prospect magazine, founder of Inequality Media, a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and co-creator of the award-winning documentaries "Inequality For All," and "Saving Capitalism," both now streaming on Netflix.
He is Chancellor's Professor of Public Policy at the University of California at Berkeley and Senior Fellow at the Blum Center. He served as Secretary of Labor in the Clinton administration, for which Time Magazine named him one of the 10 most effective cabinet secretaries of the twentieth century. He has written 17 other books, including the best sellers "Aftershock," "The Work of Nations," "Beyond Outrage," and "The Common Good." He is a founding editor of the American Prospect magazine, founder of Inequality Media, a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and co-creator of the award-winning documentaries "Inequality For All," and "Saving Capitalism," both now streaming on Netflix.