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Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Leaked draft decision to overturn Roe v. Wade is real

US Supreme Court confirms Alito draft is genuine

By Will Collette

Court confirms leaked draft is genuine
Soon, the five radical right Supreme Court justices, three appointed by Trump, will take the rare step of overturning the established legal principle that the Constitution protects the privacy of women who seek an abortion.

A leaked draft by Justice Alito and signed on to by Justices Thomas, Cavanaugh, Gorsuch and Barrett was published yesterday by Politico. It was picked up by all media outlets very quickly.

As with any draft, it's likely to be revised before it is finalized but it's a near certainty that Alito's central point - “We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled,” will be the final ruling's key holding.

This will open the door to abortion bans in almost half the country, mostly in red states, resulting in thousands of deaths from illegal abortions.

Most major Rhode Island Democratic candidates for higher office have condemned the prospect. Most Rhode Island Republican candidates have not.

State Treasurer Seth Magaziner who seeks the nomination for the soon-to-be-vacant Second Congressional seat issued this statement: 

“If enacted, this ruling would be a horrible tragedy for millions of people who need access to abortion care. But we can fight back,” said congressional candidate Seth Magaziner. “I am proud to have worked with hundreds of committed advocates to pass the Reproductive Privacy Act in 2019, and I will fight in Congress to codify Roe v. Wade into federal law.  We also must pass the Equality in Abortion Coverage Act in Rhode Island, because a women’s right to reproductive healthcare should not depend on what type of health insurance she has.”
His campaign went on to say that "Magaziner was an early and vocal supporter of the Reproductive Privacy Act (RPA), signed into law in 2019, that ensures Rhode Islanders’ access to abortion through state law" and in contrast, "Magaziner’s opponent, Republican Allan Fung, opposed the Reproductive Privacy Act that codified Roe v. Wade into Rhode Island law and has previously been endorsed by the RI Right to Life, a group that seeks to make abortion illegal." 

GoLocal reported that Fung had not responded to a request for comment, but WPRI’s Ted Nesi posted on Twitter that Fung told his colleague Adriana Rozas: 

“I’m not running to change abortion laws, I’m running to lower gas and grocery prices and get products back on the shelves.”

Contrast that evasive and wimpy non-answer with those quoted by GoLocal by Democratic candidate for Governor and current RI Secretary of State Nellie Gorbea:

"Access to abortion is a fundamental right. Throughout my life I’ve worked with others to protect this right. Tonight’s news of the anticipated overturn of 50 yrs of protecting this right is devastating. We must pass RI’s Equality in Abortion Act." 

Charlestown’s own Rep. Blake “Flip” Filippi (Trumplican) also had nothing to say though he’s been really working his Twitter account lately. His latest kick is to get all irate over a silly and provocative bill that would fine people who don’t get vaccinated. 

Though this bill has absolutely no chance of passage, it gave The Flipper a hook that got him on the radical right-wing Trumper network OAN to blather on about the threat this poses to personal liberty.

Uh, ahem, Flip. The Court’s about to overturn Roe v. Wade. Big picture, Flip. This is one of the most outrageous assaults on civil rights in our lifetimes and you, the Republican leader in the RI House, got nothing to say.

Time for you to go, Flip.

By the way, Flip, Allan Fung, candidate for Governor carpetbagger Ashley Kalus and other top Republicans will be attending a Charlestown GOP Town Committee event at Downey Weaver on May 14 between 1 and 5 PM. I've sure they'd love to answer questions about Roe v. Wade.