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Tuesday, August 2, 2016

From the Charlestown Historical Society

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Cross' Mills


Fridays & Saturdays:  11:00 AM - 1:00 PM

We have recently changed our Friday hours to an earlier time slot and in keeping with Saturday hours, we are now open on Fridays from 11:00 to 1:00. This time frame seems to agree more with summer activities in the afternoon. And, as always, we will open by request at other times for any of you accommodating a group or needing information.

Parking is available in the lower lot of the Cross' Mills Public Library or next door at the Cross' Mills Baptist Church, if needed.

Looking forward to visiting with you, your families and guests this summer!


CHS has just received a very interesting donation which conjures up images of our past 
military presence here in Charlestown. A childhood resident of Charlestown, Charles Dauray, recently donated a 'mystery sword' which was "found on the Quonochontaug Beach close to the remains of an old wooden vessel and to the south of a single residence thereon two days after Hurricane Carol in 1954. The ship was buried with sand the following day." After networking with our contacts at RI Historic Preservation and the West Point Military Museum, we believe we have an accurate assessment of the sword.

The sword was that of a military infantry officer, circa 1830 to 1850, and displays an Indian Princess Head Pommel. It is a great example of the design motif of the Jacksonian period in our US history. The State of Rhode Island has a rich history of uniformed militia organizations and it was most likely used by an officer in one of our militia groups. We plan to work with a local expert on shipwrecks in South County for input on a possible identification at the named location. The land was owned by the Stantons, and the waterfront in that area was very active during colonial times. More to come ....


In the works . . . CHS has been collaborating with local and national Revolutionary War re-enactment organizations to bring a Revolutionary War encampment (open house) to the Amos Greene Farm.  This event is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, November 12, 2016. 

The encampment will be a living history portrayal of daily activities and drills and will take place on one of Charlestown's historical farms where our local militia held musters during the Revolutionary War.
About Us

Charlestown Historical Society
P.O. Box 100
Charlestown, RI  02813

The Charlestown Historical Society is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization registered in the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations.