boxes, empty response, empty suit.
Pence delivers EMPTY boxes supposedly containing masks to a NURSING HOME - and of course, he doesn't wear one
Jen Hayden, Daily Kos Staff

Jen Hayden, Daily Kos Staff

On May 7 (Thursday), Mike Pence visited the Woodbine Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center in Alexandria, Virginia, to deliver a load of personal protective equipment (PPE).
aside how late in the game it is for anyone in the Trump administration to be
setting up a photo op delivering the critical supplies healthcare professionals
have been in desperate need of for months now, it is astonishing how careless
Pence and his team were in dispensing the goods.
From the moment they arrived, they violated all the CDC guidelines.
actions were particularly egregious as they were visiting a nursing home, with
the highest at-risk demographic of them all, only one or two days after a
U.S. Navy service member who is detailed to the president himself tested
positive for the virus.
UPDATE: Today (Friday), a member of Pence's own staff has tested positive for COVID-19. Pence was about to take off for a flight to Iowa when the word arrived. That led to several VP staffers needing to leave the plane because they had had contact with the infected staffer.
UPDATE: Today (Friday), a member of Pence's own staff has tested positive for COVID-19. Pence was about to take off for a flight to Iowa when the word arrived. That led to several VP staffers needing to leave the plane because they had had contact with the infected staffer.
not a single person involved in the delivery was wearing a mask. Nobody from
the facility, nobody from Mike Pence’s team. Nobody bothered to practice social
stood together, sans masks, for the photo op.
that wasn’t the worst of it. It seems Mike Pence was wearing a microphone for
the photo/video op and Jimmy Kimmel’s team caught a conversation that didn’t
make it in the news clips seen widely on Thursday.
Mike Pence bravely carted over two boxes, he returned to the cargo van for more
and that’s when an aide alerted him that the rest of the boxes were empty.
is the exact conversation.
Those are empty, sir. We are good to go.
Pence: Well can I carry the empty ones? Just for the camera?
they did. As you can see in the video below, Mike Pence bravely carried through
his heroic delivery of empty boxes to a nursing home.
boxes, empty response, empty suit.
my colleague Gabe Ortiz noted
on Twitter, this would be a resignation-worthy event in any other