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Friday, August 5, 2016

ALEC and Pence (and Flip)

Another one who takes his marching orders from ALEC is our own state Rep. Blake "Flip" Filippi. From his most recent Ethics disclosure statement

Mike Pence, candidate for vice-president, was the main attraction at the annual convention of ALEC, the extremist far-right legislative organization.

PR Watch reports:

The American Legislative Exchange Council will push bills to protect failing charter schools, silence political speech, and obstruct environmental protections in the ALEC 2016 agenda introduced at its annual meeting in Indianapolis this week.

ALEC faces renewed public attention as it gears up for the annual meeting, where corporate lobbyists sit side-by-side with state legislators in luxury hotels to vote as equals on “model bills” that then get pushed to become law in states across the country.

As the Center for Media and Democracy has reported, Donald Trump chose an ALEC ally, Indiana Governor Mike Pence, as his running mate, while his party’s 2016 platform was clearly stamped in the Koch-fueled ALEC mold.

Pence Pushed ALEC Agenda in the Hoosier State

As Governor, Pence appointed an ALEC staffer to his cabinet, and pushed parts of the ALEC agenda into law, such as anti-worker bills like repealing the prevailing wage and privatizing public schools in various ways. 

He even sent a letter to state legislators urging them to join ALEC, which is widely described as a corporate bill mill. ALEC is funded by Koch Industries, Peabody Energy, huge global tobacco and drug companies, and other corporations that pay a premium to access ALEC lawmakers.

The article appeared before the convention opened. But its predictions were on target.

To learn more about ALEC, read this website, ALEC Exposed.

One of ALEC’s primary goals is the privatization of public education. Pence has faithfully followed the ALEC script in pushing for charters and vouchers in Indiana.